Welcome to the Psych Engine!

Hello internet people, and welcome to my own little corner of this vast information network; welcome to the Psych Engine. Pretty cool name for a psychology blog, huh? Well, to be honest, I’m not the one who thought it up, my little brother did, because he’s cool like that. He’s also the guy who designed the awesome blog banner!

Anyway, less praising for the little brother, and more of what this—my blog—is about. The Psych Engine is a vaguely self explanatory title: This blog is about psychology. Just a little over a year ago I started a psychology course with the OU and, after surviving six months of boring old social science studies, I have finally gotten onto the good stuff. But getting onto the good stuff also means that there are a thousand and one things I want to say, experiment with, or just talk about.

Hence how this little place of the internet came to be mine: It’s going to be my musing board for the foreseeable future for all things psychological which should be ranging from simple musings, to—hopefully—casual experiments for which I intend to use my dearest and friends and family for guinea pigs—they don’t mind, really.

My primary areas of interest at the moment—I say at the moment as I’ve only started studying and I probably only have a narrow view of what I could be interested into—is identity through gender, identity through disability, as well as the concept of core identity as well as what makes people so damned unique: their personality, and how it is created for each people.

So you’ll probably see plenty of posts about the above on here!

So yes, I hope I’ll be able to post interesting things here and that I will draw a few people to come have a look at my blog and hopefully start interesting conversations!

Anyway, that’s enough for now. See you all when I have some time to post!